Sunday, January 17, 2016

The NFC - Celebrating 20 Years!

In 1996, after making a few dental floss commercials with my new 8mm video camera, Don Anderson suggested starting a web site - which at the time, was a newfangled idea.  Sounded ok, though.
The theme would obviously be to popularize dental floss and flossing by using advertising techniques.
First question - what to call it?
Well, in Washington there are "Councils" for all sorts of things: there's an Arts Council, a Safety Council, a Dairy Council, and even a Cotton Council, so why not a Flossing Council?
Thus the title and the web site were born, now 20 years ago!

In that time, probably the major item that's been introduced to the public is National Flossing Day.  That began in 2000. The tragedy of September 2001 caused us to skip that year, but, since 2000, we've sponsored 15 other National Flossing Days - always the day after Thanksgiving.
Here's a toast to 20 great years for the National Flossing Council and, hopefully, 20 more, even greater years!
Floss on!

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